Creating your dream home might include filling your space with the most vibrant, lush, green plants to admire as you cuddle or spend quality time with your fur babies. If you consider yourself to be both a plant and pet parent, you may have spent time wondering if the plants you bring home are safe for your pets. Luckily, your pet and plant-loving friends here at Busch’s Florist, the best flower shop in Jefferson City, know which green plants get the green light when it comes to the health and safety of our furry friends. Here are just a few of our favorite pet-friendly green plants.
Safe Plants for Pets
Spider Plant
With a fitting nickname of “cat’s whiskers,” spider plants are popular pet-approved plants for many reasons. While their non-poisonous grassy leaves grow to resemble giant cat-like whiskers, pets also cannot contain their urge to bite and bat these plants. Although they are generally safe, furry felines may experience digestive issues if they snack on a spider plant. Therefore, hanging these greens reduces the risk for our four-legged friends and creates flowy and fun home decor.
Parlor Palm
While purifying the air around you, which is great for pet-friendly homes, parlor palms make a brilliant statement piece. As they require low light and temperatures, their slender leaves flourish to create a rich and lush canopy. To ensure your pets keep their paws off these palms, they can elegantly be displayed on tabletops or inside a terrarium. Larger parlor palms also do well in tall heavy pots, that deter pets from digging in the soil.
Bird’s Nest Fern
Safe for dogs and cats, bird’s nest ferns are one of the easiest ferns to take care of, as long as Fido keeps his paws and nose to himself. Even though these tropical plants are slow-growing and require low light, pay attention to proper watering and propagation needs. Their crimpy, squiggly, and fun textured leaves are a great addition to your bathroom or kitchen.
Polka Dot Plant
Native to Madagascar, the polka dot plant is a brilliant way to liven up your concrete jungle with a little splash of color. Their leaves can offer hues including green, pink, red, and white. Low maintenance and able to thrive almost anywhere, polka dot plants are perfect to display on a shelf or table in your home as they will grow to about 10 inches. As with many other plants, if your four-legged companion consumes large amounts of a polka dot plant, you can expect a mild upset stomach.
When it comes to herbs, pet parents should err on the side of caution since many herbs, like parsley, are harmful to cats and dogs. However, a few herbs that offer fresh fragrances and natural beauty are absolutely safe for your four-legged friends to snack on include thyme, rosemary, sage, and basil. As herbs enjoy plenty of sunlight, you can display them in a large window in your kitchen.
Signs of Poisoning in Pets
Although you might be taking many preventative and proactive measures to protect your pets from harmful plants, accidents do happen. If your cat or dog ingests a toxic plant, keep a lookout for these signs of poisoning: loss of appetite, lethargy, drooling, vomiting, dehydration, and bleeding gums. In the event your pet is showing these signs, or you think they might be suffering, reach out to your animal hospital, veterinarian, or poison control. For a complete list of plants that can be harmful to your furry friends, visit the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center website.