Busch's Florist & Greenhouse

Busch's Florist & Greenhouse

Posted by Busch's Florist on August 17, 2020 | Last Updated: August 31, 2020 General

Our Favorite Kinds of Lilies

Lilies are amazing for their diversity, color, shapes, and scents. With over 100 species of lilies, it’s hard to choose favorites! Whether it’s the elegance of the pure white Easter Lily with a touch of gold, or the vibrantly-colored Stargazer lily with it’s strong, enchanting fragrance, there’s just so much to love about lilies. Check out the nine different classes of lilies and examples of each and be prepared to fall in love with them, too!   

Lily Symbolism

Throughout history, lilies have been revered due to their association with the Goddess Hera, Goddess of Love and Marriage, and the Virgin Mary. Therefore, the overarching meanings of the lily are purity, fertility, beauty, grace, and rebirth. Lilies also carry additional meanings based on their colors as outlined below.  

  • White Lilies mean purity, innocence, virtue, and grace.
  • Yellow Lilies mean joy, good health, thanks, and healing.  
  • Light Pink Lilies mean elegance, femininity,  and benevolence.
  • Dark Pink Lilies mean prosperity, excess, and ambition. 
  • Red Lilies mean passion, lust, and adventure.
  • Orange Lilies mean confidence, encouragement, and wealth.

Basic Lily Facts

Only lilies which belong to the genus Lilium are true lilies. They are easily identifiable by their six petals and six anthers (the part that contains pollen). Lilies generally produce large blooms and come in a broad range of colors. Some lilies are remarkably fragrant, while others aren’t fragrant at all.


Lily Classifications & Examples

Pink Pixie Lilies

Pink Pixie Lilies

Division 1:
Asiatic Hybrid – Most popular lilies in the world. Come in almost every color but have little to no scent. Attractive and long-lasting. (Forever Susan, Orange Pixie Lily, Elodie Lily, Lollipop)





Turk's Cap Lily

Turk’s Cap Lily

Division 2:
Martagon Hybrid – Dramatic, visually interesting, producing many small downward-facing flowers and strikingly colored. (Turk’s Cap)





Madonna Lily

Madonna Lily

Division 3
: Candidum Hybrid – Famous for the Madonna lily. Lovely fragrance, white flowers. and yellow base. (Madonna)





Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily

Division 4:
American Hybrid – Includes hybrids of wild lilies in North America. Colorful and large. (Tiger Lily)





Easter Lilies

Easter Lilies


Division 5: Longiflorum Hybrid – Known for Easter lily. Elegant, pure white, trumpet-shaped. Bloom during Easter.





African Queen Lily

African Queen Lily

Division 6: Trumpet and Aurelian Hybrids
– Tall, fragrant, with beautiful trumpet-shaped flowers. Heady sweet fragrance. (African Queen)





Stargazer Lily

Stargazer Lily

Division 7
: Oriental Hybrid – Known for large blooms and strong, enchanting fragrance. (Stargazer, Casablanca, Acapulco Lily)





Orange LA Hybrid Lily

Orange LA Hybrid Lily


Division 8:
Interdivisional Hybrids – Includes hybrids of the above seven divisions.





Wild Yellow and Red Lily

Wild Yellow and Red Lily

Division 9: Species
– The wild “parents” of the other 8 hybrids. Naturally charming. 




gorgeous bouquet of bright yellow blooms.


Ready to get some lilies into your home? We sure are! Here at Busch’s Florist we have a wonderful selection of lilies and other amazingly beautiful flowers to choose from for whenever you want to brighten yours or someone’s day!